Starting a HOSA chapter is easier than you think. A few short steps will have you and your school on your way to a new HOSA chapter. Watch this video and find out how. For more videos related to Michigan HOSA, please visit our Michigan HOSA YouTube Channel.
Starting a local HOSA chapter is very simple and rewarding! Following the five steps below will ensure a successful start to your new chapter!
1. Initial Membership Recruitment
2. Contact Michigan HOSA Headquarters
3. Chapter Login and Affiliation
4. Recruit, Recruit, Recruit!
5. Fine Tune & Collect Dues
#1: Initial Membership Recruitment
The first step in starting a local HOSA chapter is to find an adult who will serve as the chapter advisor. More information of Advisor responsibilities is located in Section C of the HOSA Handbook: Guide to Organizing and Managing a HOSA Chapter. Once a chapter advisor has been secured, you will need to recruit at least 5 members to get started. Once you have these names, continue to the next step.
#2: Contact Michigan HOSA Headquarters
We want to hear from you and your success in beginning the steps necessary to start a new chapter! We also need to get all of your contact information so that we can ensure you receive all communication from our office. Please complete the "Chapter Request Form" (below). Once we receive your contact information, we will send your charter number and password along with what HOSA region you are in so that the initial 6 members (advisor + 5 students) can be added and of course anyone you've recruited along the way! While waiting on this information, we highly recommend to get very familiar with the layout of the Michigan HOSA website. We have a lot of resources on this site for chapter advisors. Do not forget to sign up for the HOSA Synapse, our e-newsletter, as this is our primary way of communicating with HOSA Leaders. You can view past versions of the Synapse here.
#3: Chapter Login Information and Affiliation
Your chapter ID and password are the two pieces of information you will need to access the online affiliation system. The online affiliation system is used to:
affiliate members
view your account balance
print your membership directory
complete online registration for conferences
In other words, this is where you will do almost everything for your chapter. Step by step instructions for adding members to your chapter are available once you log-in. Here is video tutorial on how to affiliate members and how register for a conference...
#4: Recruit, Recruit, Recruit!
Now that you have been added to our contact list and are set up in the membership affiliation system, you are ready to recruit members and build your chapter. One key thing to remember is that a student cannot experience the benefits of HOSA membership unless they first join. Posters, videos from HOSA events, visits from State Officers, all play a huge role in assisting you in the recruitment process. Watch this video for more ideas on how to promote.
#5: Fine Tune & Collect Dues
Now that you have begun to recruit HOSA members, it is time to start fine-tuning your chapter details to ensure a successful year. You will want to start thinking about electing chapter officers, planning fundraisers, community service projects, looking over the amazing competitive events program, advertising for conferences, etc. Section C of the HOSA Handbook is an absolute vital HOSA publication you will want by your side.
It is also important to collect HOSA affiliation dues BEFORE you affiliate members in the system. It costs $20 per person to join HOSA for the year. Once a member is affiliated in the system, the school is responsible for paying the balance in full. National HOSA has a strict no-refund policy. The same goes for Michigan HOSA conferences. Regional Leadership Conferences cost $35 per student (advisors are free) and State Leadership Conference is $80 per person. For specific information regarding costs and how to pay, please visit the Payment Information page.